Saturday, January 29, 2011

Powering Lights in Remote Locations

If you have ever thought about shooting in the middle of a forest at night or in some other remote location where you need lights you may have wondered how you will power your 1000W halogen lights. Well the first and easiest option is to try to light the scene without extra lights.Anything light colored will work as a reflector to bounce light back at your subject. This will obviously only work during the day. But sometimes your shoot will need to be at night. Have you ever wondered what the difference is between day and night? Besides the brightness and color temperature there is no difference. To go from day to night you can just underexpose the shot by 2-3 stops and set your white balance to something blue, 2500K.

If you are really set on shooting at night then you can stop by home depot and pick up a 3000W portable generator for $219. It will provide plenty of power at the cost of a little noise in your audio. Just get a 50 foot extension cord and with a little noise removal in Audacity you should be good to go.

Another option is to find a location within reach of extension cords. I wouldn't reccomend going further than 150 feet to avoid burning out the cords.

The last and most expensive option is to power you lights with a battery. A 10 to 20 amp hour sealed lead acid (SLA) battery will work well. You can find them on ebay for $25-$45 depending on the size. Combined with a clamp light and a 45W CFL you should have light for about an hour.

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